Friday, June 19, 2009

A nice change

alright i know its been quite a while since i last posted on this particular section but i just wanted to announce that yes yes I'm BACK! Well i have had the chance to reflect on my earlier blog posts and to be completely honest with myself i did NOT like them in the least. I guess i complain a lot don't I? anyways now i will be switching over to a much more review based blog. Basically i will review everything i do. Like going to a movie, listening to a cd, local shops and business. That sort of deal and i will rate all of them on a scale of 1 to 10 peppers. .The food though not like the restaurant. I hate tex mex food that place gets 5 peppers. but i actually have now been informed that peppers is not a national food chain so if you dont have a clue what im talking about that is perfectly alright anyway for now i say see you soon for this is not goodbye like last time


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